hurm,saja nk post tntg "Eczema" ni.sapa yg knl sy,pernah jumpa sy msti tau yg sy ada penyakit ni.hee.
masa kecil2 dulu memg ada,then stop tp masa form 2 dtg blk till now.
even tk kronik,tp sape yg menhadapinya tau peritnya kena penyakit ni.mcm2 kena avoid.
What Is Eczema?
Eczema is a skin condition caused by inflammation. Atopic dermatitis is the most common of the many types of eczema. While the word "dermatitis" means inflammation of the skin, "atopic" refers to an allergic tendency, which is often inherited. These eczema sufferers have a higher risk of developing other allergic conditions (like asthma or hay fever).
Typically, eczema causes skin to become itchy, red, and dry -- even cracked and leathery. Eczema most frequently appears on the face and extremities, but it can show up in other areas, too.
Eczema is a chronic problem for many people. It is most common among infants, many of whom outgrow it before school age.
What Causes Eczema?
Like asthma, eczema seems to run in families. Certain genes make some people have extra-sensitive skin, and certain environmental factors -- like stress -- can trigger an episode of eczema.
Eczema is also caused or worsened by contact with irritants in common substances such as:
- woolen and synthetic fabrics
- soap and other agents that dry skin
- heat and sweat
Eczema can also be worsened by dry skin.
Since eczema may in part be an internal response to stress, any emotionally charged event -- from a move to a new job -- may trigger a flare-up.
Understanding Eczema - Diagnosis & Treatment
How Is Eczema Diagnosed?
To diagnose eczema, your doctor will first talk to you about your symptoms and medical history. He or she will also ask about your family's history of rashes and other allergy-related medical conditions, such as asthma and hay fever. While there is no single test to effectively diagnose eczema, a good medical history combined with an exam of your skin is usually adequate.
What Are the Treatments for Eczema?
Good skin care is a key component in controlling eczema. Proper care of the skin can often be enough in many milder cases of eczema.
In treating eczema, most doctors will start patients on basic therapies. A good moisturizer (in cream, lotion, or ointment form) helps conserve the skin's natural moisture and should be applied immediately after showering or bathing and one other time each day.
Corticosteroid creams and ointments have been used for many years to treat eczema. Your doctor may recommend application of over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream in mild cases but often will prescribe a stronger steroid cream when the eczema is more severe. When other measures have failed, the doctor may prescribe oral corticosteroid medication; steroids should always be taken with caution and never without medical supervision.
Newer drugs called topical immunomodulators are available to help treat eczema. These medicines help control inflammation and reduce immune system reactions when applied to the skin. Examples include Elidel and Protopic. These drugs are thought to be as effective as corticosteroids.
WARNING: The FDA has issued its strongest "black box" warning on the packaging of Elidel and Protopic. The warning advises doctors to prescribe short-term use of Elidel and Protopic only after other available eczema treatments have failed in adults and children over the age of 2. Younger children should not take these medications.
Research in animals has linked Elidel and Protopic with an increased risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. In those studies, the risk of cancer increased as the dose of the drugs increased. The FDA has also received reports of serious adverse events in children under the age of 2 who were prescribed the drugs, although they have not been approved for use in children in this age group.
Taking oral antihistamines may also help relieve symptoms. Some of these may cause drowsiness, which may be of benefit if nighttime itching is a problem.
For extreme cases of eczema, therapy using ultraviolet light may be prescribed. In adults, drugs that suppress the immune system may also be an option in the more severe cases. These medicines, such as cyclosporine or methotrexate, may be used in cases when other treatments have failed.
To relieve stress and improve circulation, it also helps to take a brisk walk or exercise on a regular basis. Set aside time for other relaxing activities.