Thursday, February 9, 2012

Efa Shawls.

Shawl Petak Cinta

Ala Ariani Ruffles

Shawl Beaded Roses

Shawl Polka Dots

Ni baru sikit,ada banyak lagi sebenarnya.
For more details,please visit or my facebook.
Boleh order dari saya okey! ^__^ *ceh2,promote diri*


Last but not least..


The Picture says all.

Jadi wahai muslimah sekalian,
mohlah kita beramai-ramai berhijab menurut syarak.
Okey! :)

Here are some videos on how to wear hijab that can cover your chest.Orang yang buat video ni Kak Dina.alaaaa,yang video "I've been porposed and I'm engaged" tu?Kenal kan.

So,check it out!

Senang je kan?
Haaaa,apa lagi.
Cecuba cecuba lah.
