Thursday, March 1, 2012

It's March already.

Allah bagi peluang kita hidup untuk refleks diri dan bertaubat kepadaNya. :)

Bulan March sudah bertandang..

Yet all SPM candidates 2011 were like.
"OMA (Owh My Allah),it's March already!!!!" :O
Okey,tutup mulut tuh.

Me,myself also feel the same thing.

Duhhhhh,nak tunggu result ni macam nak matttttt..Eh,baik sikit.Mati itu lebih menyakitkan.
Mengucap Wani,mengucap.

Result tu da siap berbungkus sudah,tunggu nak diumumkan aje.
insyaAllah,semuanya ok.Bak kata Amer Khan,"All is well."

Kalau tak okey pun,janganlah heart broken sangat.
Relax relax,Allah knows the best! :)

Jangan putus asa berdoa okey,itu senjata kita.

Lets pray..
and let the time passes slowly.

this entry is more for myself. :)
and people who feel the same.


Rozida Hanim said...
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Rozida Hanim said...

ergh. nervesnya~
btw, good luck [^^]v

Wani The Pooh. said...

hehe.tau tkpe.
goodluck juga rozida! ^^